Monday 21 December 2009

no more summaries

this whole thing is getting silly with tweets about food and cat snuggies and mario pictures, i'm bored with it. the wiki page should be enough to keep anyone updated.

Friday 18 December 2009

DEC 18

Yet it still continues on with a Tweet:

"I saw the sky move."

And a Myspace blog:

"Today's turn of events
Veronica and I are having a slumber party. We made cupcakes and listened to her Katy Perry CD. It was quite good; too bad that Katy fell into a void in the earth and died during the events of 2012. We then enjoyed a pillow fight, followed by watching movies and cuddling in a snuggie. She's currently running a bubble bath with pink strawberry scented bubbles. I've forgiven her for lying to me, but I'm still kind of mad that she forgot to feed basement horse."

DEC 18 update

New Tweets:

"Update on the ramen situation: Veronica fed it to basement horse. Guess it's hay and sugar cubes for me then."

"Ok, who ate my vegan ramen?"

"I hope Santa brings me a customized Adam Carson sand boat. And a cuddly snuggie."

"My house is full of death bunnies. They ate all my lettuce!"

New Myspace Status:

"Veronica forgot to feed basement horse today, so I had to do it."


At this point, Haiku is considered either insane or brainwashed.

The whole mystery is believed to be following the story of Veronica Sawyer Smokes.

There is controversy over the infromation under the "General" section of the Myspace that says "©2009 by page owner (all characters and concepts)" because much of the content involves lyrics from AFI that these people clearly do not own.

Now A Message from the Mystery Maker:

"Hello, I am not speaking to you in character for this once. I hope you won't mind.
I will go ahead and let you know what I'm working on here, even if it ruins the "mystery." I'll also let you know that I'm thinking of taking down this site.
You see, I'm working on the concept for a book (someone was asking me about the copyright thing previously, that's why). AFI won't be a part of the book, other than the inspiration their music gives me, and probably a nice big thank you on the dedication page if it's ever published. I quote their lyrics because of that inspiration, and I know all you guys recognize what's theirs and what's mine.
I think I kind of messed up by replying to messages on here. I didn't originally intend to but then I ended up doing it, and I felt like I had to reply to everyone if I replied to one or two people.
Now, to why I might take the page down. Simply, I don't want my ideas taken. I guess I shouldn't be so naive as to put them out there in the first place but I wanted to see how people responded. It's been my lifelong dream to write a novel and I would be completely devastated if my characters or plot were taken from me. I might keep tweeting on the dark morning twitter page. I just don't know right now. It seems like you guys are getting mad at me anyway.
PS: I live in LA, so the part of the mystery with the meetups and people in Rhode Island wasn't me. And yes, I'm in the DF and I've been watching your thread but not posting in it. Sorry if that creeped you out.

Yeah, it was intended to be a mystery. I was going to post a couple of chapters with secret passwords later. I was mostly wanting to see how people responded to my ideas - what they thought of this character and that character, etc. And, no, I haven't really gotten any ideas from your thread. A lot of times you guys figured it out from what I've posted. I was kind of offended how people in the thread were saying how I didn't have any original ideas, etc. Another reason I'm likely not continuing with the mystery.
I'll probably keep the site up (well I know I'm keeping the myspace url at least) and maybe post a few chapters later on. Plus I have a pretty busy job so it might be hard to keep up with it. I know someone jacked my netbook the other day and posted weird tweets, still haven't solved THAT mystery. That drawing on the board was really worth it though - I couldn't stop laughing."

So that's pretty much it right now for Dark Morning Conspirators Mystery Number Two.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

DEC 16

New Tweets:

"We met this dark morning and I am sure we were not seen this time. Despite diversions, the plan is back on track."

"Old news is old news. What could old news possibly have to offer?"

"Tomorrow is a dark morning, but it seems we are short on conspirators."

New Blog Entry:

"A disappearance and an appearance
Veronica disappeared in the night. It's no loss; she could not tell the truth.

The old Ukrainian lady I met on the edge of town showed up at my door early this morning. I invited her in, made her tea and sandwiches. She told me many strange things. She said she sees the sky move, and sometimes pieces of the sky fall on her.

She told me that "one of your people" which I assume means someone from Pripyat, has been living among the Ukrainians. She said he would not disclose his name but he was not doing well with the Ukrainian ways. I can't see how anyone would cope with their ways, but I did not tell her that.

I sent her home with a basket of fruit and nuts and some extra clothing and blankets we had around the house. She refused the blankets, saying it's not cold outside the gates of Pripyat."

New Myspace Status:

"It seems that my past is in the way all the time."

The last two links tweeted have been removed from the twitter account but are still viewable.

Tuesday 15 December 2009

DEC 15-16



"Tomorrow is a dark morning, but it seems we are short on conspirators."

"She hid the words; they're only yours to find."

[on the zoomshare site, click on "remnants" in the left sidebar. the username is Guest and the password is alpsyeuetg. when you do that you get this:

Haiku Reivers visits Emporia for book signing
by Allison Jones, reporter

The famed Haiku Reivers will be at the new Emporia Government Building for three hours only this Friday. She will be signing copies of her book that changed the world. I had the opportunity of asking Ms. Reivers some questions this morning.

AJ: So, I hear you were trapped under rubble for several months during the dying days?

HR: Yes, dear, I was. It was quite frightening but I had the sacred words in my heard to keep me through the ordeal.

AJ: Can you tell us what it was like to live in a bunker with Madame President and re-design the United States Government?

HR: Yes, but I would have to kill you afterwards. If you published it, then I would have to kill all of Emporia.

AJ: We certaintly do not want that. What are you most looking forward to during your stay in Kansas?

HR: The corn is nice. I'd like to visit a corn maze, or a maise maze.

Emporia Gazette
March 14, 2015

DEC 15

Three New Tweets:

"And so, it is done. In the dark of night where no one could see, I lay you to sleep."

"Oh, I can smell a hint of death in the air tonight. Sleep well, my dear, for now. "

"Wear your tears tonight, my dear. I close my eyes and nothing's changed at all."

Myseterious Tweets That Were Deleted:

"I'm caught in a bad romance. With cupcakes."

"i bought little snuggies for my cats."

Response to ShadesofBlack:
"Your most recent update is concerning some of us. Who is missing? Autumn and the other conspirator? Is there anything that we can do to help? This is not a time for secrets if lives hang in the balance. As believers we need to look out for each other and sacrafice anything within the theory."

"Yes, Autumn is missing. Veronica and I are searching. Maybe we'll see a body. Maybe we'll see a few." Haiku

Response to jessblaqk:

"How was the interview? Did you find out anything interesting? I fear something is going to happen."

"The interview was scrambled in two words, I am sad to say. Indeed, something may happen soon. alpsyeuetg" Haiku

The Prophet?:

"He was not the great entity he is now prior to the Apocalypse. Now the world hangs tightly to his every sacred word." Haiku

DEC 14

Four New Tweets:

"Nothing pure can ever stay. Don't say anything. Don't say anything."

"Autumn, I didn't expect this. Stay one more night and we'll show her well."

"We held hands, we shared beds. She told her that we were lovers. But it was all out of spite."

"I did not forget. "I will wait for you," she said. She is the one who betrayed. No meeting tomorrow."

Tweets That Are No Longer Posted:

"It's peanut butter jelly time."

"With cute little boxes of chocolate soy milk."

Three New Blog Entries:

"It has been a long day
He thinks I betrayed him. And now I betray my once dear Autumn. All because of promises I could not keep. Had I known he would return I would have waited endlessly. No, it's too late now. Three tears I keep for you, my love, lost once again."

"I know it is late, but I've seen too much
Autumn was away tonight. I decided to visit "him." I saw them. Veronica told me they were lovers. What to do? At least now it is all in the open.

We were once together, now I'm simply surrounded."

"When the snow stops falling
I invited Veronica to my home and left Autumn with him, to their own devices. I am not sure if they plotting against me or for me. Or perhaps I have been the fool all along. The snow has stopped falling in Pripyat and left me quite unsettled. Veronica says it is the first December day with no snow since she's been here.

The sky looks different as well, more like the sky over Ukraine. We walked to the edge of town this morning to compare and met a Ukrainian woman at the gates. She said the sky is falling. She is probably suffering from lack of enlightenment and consumption of death."

A Changed Myspace Status:

"Autumn plans to stay with him again tonight. I don't know how long this has been going on, or who I'm jealous of."

The Prophet?:
"Or is AFi the prophet? Or Davey?"
"You know you can't speak the name of the prophet." Haiku

"I'm pretty sure Davey is the prohpet because I quoted some lyrics and she said someting along the lines of 'You know the sacred words well. Keep them close to your heart'" deannab63

"I am so terribly sorry to ask this of you, but you seem to know more of the world than most of my few contacts away from here. We have heard whispers of the prophet. Has their been any new word? Or is it silence still? We hear so many rumors and tend to ignore them, but as this is dear to me, I couldn't help but ask. How has the sky been? I read it changed for you. I hope all is as well as can be." Floralysis

"The prophet remains in his humble abode as far as I know. I have not contacted him since he assisted me in changing the world so many years ago. The sky ... oh, the sky ...." Haiku

The Lovers:

"Well. Autumn and Haiku are married.
But Haiku and No one have a past
Veronica lied and told Haiku that she was with No-one
Because No-one thinks that Haiku doesn't remember the past.
And now Autumn is spending the night with No-one again
And Haiku invited Veronica over her house - when no one and Autumn were together" glassSpiderWebs