this whole thing is getting silly with tweets about food and cat snuggies and mario pictures, i'm bored with it. the wiki page should be enough to keep anyone updated.
Monday, 21 December 2009
Friday, 18 December 2009
DEC 18
Yet it still continues on with a Tweet:
"I saw the sky move."
And a Myspace blog:
"Today's turn of events
Veronica and I are having a slumber party. We made cupcakes and listened to her Katy Perry CD. It was quite good; too bad that Katy fell into a void in the earth and died during the events of 2012. We then enjoyed a pillow fight, followed by watching movies and cuddling in a snuggie. She's currently running a bubble bath with pink strawberry scented bubbles. I've forgiven her for lying to me, but I'm still kind of mad that she forgot to feed basement horse."
Posted by TheVitalRed at 20:47 0 comments
DEC 18 update
New Tweets:
"Update on the ramen situation: Veronica fed it to basement horse. Guess it's hay and sugar cubes for me then."
"Ok, who ate my vegan ramen?"
"I hope Santa brings me a customized Adam Carson sand boat. And a cuddly snuggie."
"My house is full of death bunnies. They ate all my lettuce!"
New Myspace Status:
"Veronica forgot to feed basement horse today, so I had to do it."
At this point, Haiku is considered either insane or brainwashed.
The whole mystery is believed to be following the story of Veronica Sawyer Smokes.
There is controversy over the infromation under the "General" section of the Myspace that says "©2009 by page owner (all characters and concepts)" because much of the content involves lyrics from AFI that these people clearly do not own.
Now A Message from the Mystery Maker:
"Hello, I am not speaking to you in character for this once. I hope you won't mind.
I will go ahead and let you know what I'm working on here, even if it ruins the "mystery." I'll also let you know that I'm thinking of taking down this site.
You see, I'm working on the concept for a book (someone was asking me about the copyright thing previously, that's why). AFI won't be a part of the book, other than the inspiration their music gives me, and probably a nice big thank you on the dedication page if it's ever published. I quote their lyrics because of that inspiration, and I know all you guys recognize what's theirs and what's mine.
I think I kind of messed up by replying to messages on here. I didn't originally intend to but then I ended up doing it, and I felt like I had to reply to everyone if I replied to one or two people.
Now, to why I might take the page down. Simply, I don't want my ideas taken. I guess I shouldn't be so naive as to put them out there in the first place but I wanted to see how people responded. It's been my lifelong dream to write a novel and I would be completely devastated if my characters or plot were taken from me. I might keep tweeting on the dark morning twitter page. I just don't know right now. It seems like you guys are getting mad at me anyway.
PS: I live in LA, so the part of the mystery with the meetups and people in Rhode Island wasn't me. And yes, I'm in the DF and I've been watching your thread but not posting in it. Sorry if that creeped you out.
Yeah, it was intended to be a mystery. I was going to post a couple of chapters with secret passwords later. I was mostly wanting to see how people responded to my ideas - what they thought of this character and that character, etc. And, no, I haven't really gotten any ideas from your thread. A lot of times you guys figured it out from what I've posted. I was kind of offended how people in the thread were saying how I didn't have any original ideas, etc. Another reason I'm likely not continuing with the mystery.
I'll probably keep the site up (well I know I'm keeping the myspace url at least) and maybe post a few chapters later on. Plus I have a pretty busy job so it might be hard to keep up with it. I know someone jacked my netbook the other day and posted weird tweets, still haven't solved THAT mystery. That drawing on the board was really worth it though - I couldn't stop laughing."
So that's pretty much it right now for Dark Morning Conspirators Mystery Number Two.
Posted by TheVitalRed at 17:13 0 comments
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
DEC 16
New Tweets:
"We met this dark morning and I am sure we were not seen this time. Despite diversions, the plan is back on track."
"Old news is old news. What could old news possibly have to offer?"
"Tomorrow is a dark morning, but it seems we are short on conspirators."
New Blog Entry:
"A disappearance and an appearance
Veronica disappeared in the night. It's no loss; she could not tell the truth.
The old Ukrainian lady I met on the edge of town showed up at my door early this morning. I invited her in, made her tea and sandwiches. She told me many strange things. She said she sees the sky move, and sometimes pieces of the sky fall on her.
She told me that "one of your people" which I assume means someone from Pripyat, has been living among the Ukrainians. She said he would not disclose his name but he was not doing well with the Ukrainian ways. I can't see how anyone would cope with their ways, but I did not tell her that.
I sent her home with a basket of fruit and nuts and some extra clothing and blankets we had around the house. She refused the blankets, saying it's not cold outside the gates of Pripyat."
New Myspace Status:
"It seems that my past is in the way all the time."
The last two links tweeted have been removed from the twitter account but are still viewable.
Posted by TheVitalRed at 13:43 0 comments
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
DEC 15-16
"Tomorrow is a dark morning, but it seems we are short on conspirators."
"She hid the words; they're only yours to find."
[on the zoomshare site, click on "remnants" in the left sidebar. the username is Guest and the password is alpsyeuetg. when you do that you get this:
Haiku Reivers visits Emporia for book signing
by Allison Jones, reporter
The famed Haiku Reivers will be at the new Emporia Government Building for three hours only this Friday. She will be signing copies of her book that changed the world. I had the opportunity of asking Ms. Reivers some questions this morning.
AJ: So, I hear you were trapped under rubble for several months during the dying days?
HR: Yes, dear, I was. It was quite frightening but I had the sacred words in my heard to keep me through the ordeal.
AJ: Can you tell us what it was like to live in a bunker with Madame President and re-design the United States Government?
HR: Yes, but I would have to kill you afterwards. If you published it, then I would have to kill all of Emporia.
AJ: We certaintly do not want that. What are you most looking forward to during your stay in Kansas?
HR: The corn is nice. I'd like to visit a corn maze, or a maise maze.
Emporia Gazette
March 14, 2015
Posted by TheVitalRed at 21:28 0 comments
DEC 15
Three New Tweets:
"And so, it is done. In the dark of night where no one could see, I lay you to sleep."
"Oh, I can smell a hint of death in the air tonight. Sleep well, my dear, for now. "
"Wear your tears tonight, my dear. I close my eyes and nothing's changed at all."
Myseterious Tweets That Were Deleted:
"I'm caught in a bad romance. With cupcakes."
"i bought little snuggies for my cats."
Response to ShadesofBlack:
"Your most recent update is concerning some of us. Who is missing? Autumn and the other conspirator? Is there anything that we can do to help? This is not a time for secrets if lives hang in the balance. As believers we need to look out for each other and sacrafice anything within the theory."
"Yes, Autumn is missing. Veronica and I are searching. Maybe we'll see a body. Maybe we'll see a few." Haiku
Response to jessblaqk:
"How was the interview? Did you find out anything interesting? I fear something is going to happen."
"The interview was scrambled in two words, I am sad to say. Indeed, something may happen soon. alpsyeuetg" Haiku
The Prophet?:
"He was not the great entity he is now prior to the Apocalypse. Now the world hangs tightly to his every sacred word." Haiku
Posted by TheVitalRed at 14:50 0 comments
DEC 14
Four New Tweets:
"Nothing pure can ever stay. Don't say anything. Don't say anything."
"Autumn, I didn't expect this. Stay one more night and we'll show her well."
"We held hands, we shared beds. She told her that we were lovers. But it was all out of spite."
"I did not forget. "I will wait for you," she said. She is the one who betrayed. No meeting tomorrow."
Tweets That Are No Longer Posted:
"It's peanut butter jelly time."
"With cute little boxes of chocolate soy milk."
Three New Blog Entries:
"It has been a long day
He thinks I betrayed him. And now I betray my once dear Autumn. All because of promises I could not keep. Had I known he would return I would have waited endlessly. No, it's too late now. Three tears I keep for you, my love, lost once again."
"I know it is late, but I've seen too much
Autumn was away tonight. I decided to visit "him." I saw them. Veronica told me they were lovers. What to do? At least now it is all in the open.
We were once together, now I'm simply surrounded."
"When the snow stops falling
I invited Veronica to my home and left Autumn with him, to their own devices. I am not sure if they plotting against me or for me. Or perhaps I have been the fool all along. The snow has stopped falling in Pripyat and left me quite unsettled. Veronica says it is the first December day with no snow since she's been here.
The sky looks different as well, more like the sky over Ukraine. We walked to the edge of town this morning to compare and met a Ukrainian woman at the gates. She said the sky is falling. She is probably suffering from lack of enlightenment and consumption of death."
A Changed Myspace Status:
"Autumn plans to stay with him again tonight. I don't know how long this has been going on, or who I'm jealous of."
The Prophet?:
"Or is AFi the prophet? Or Davey?"
"You know you can't speak the name of the prophet." Haiku
"I'm pretty sure Davey is the prohpet because I quoted some lyrics and she said someting along the lines of 'You know the sacred words well. Keep them close to your heart'" deannab63
"I am so terribly sorry to ask this of you, but you seem to know more of the world than most of my few contacts away from here. We have heard whispers of the prophet. Has their been any new word? Or is it silence still? We hear so many rumors and tend to ignore them, but as this is dear to me, I couldn't help but ask. How has the sky been? I read it changed for you. I hope all is as well as can be." Floralysis
"The prophet remains in his humble abode as far as I know. I have not contacted him since he assisted me in changing the world so many years ago. The sky ... oh, the sky ...." Haiku
The Lovers:
"Well. Autumn and Haiku are married.
But Haiku and No one have a past
Veronica lied and told Haiku that she was with No-one
Because No-one thinks that Haiku doesn't remember the past.
And now Autumn is spending the night with No-one again
And Haiku invited Veronica over her house - when no one and Autumn were together" glassSpiderWebs
Posted by TheVitalRed at 14:24 0 comments
Sunday, 13 December 2009
DEC 13
On December 13th we get:
Four new tweets:
"The meeting was uneventful. I believe security was adequate."
"She believes the snow is real. She believes the sky is real. Autumn, do not tell her otherwise."
"Veronica and Autumn, you must not go anywhere for the next few hours. I have business to attend to. You need not worry."
"Beware, the both of you. Love attracts all those who taint the cherished. "
A new Myspace blog:
"A chance meeting
I spoke with him today, just as the dark morning was ending. Today they met in the old hospital, the very place I was born. Autumn and Veronica came out first. I waited for him, not sure if he was there, but 30 minutes later I saw him. I followed him as far as the park with all the sculptures when he turned around and saw me. He stared at me for a long time. I asked him if he remembered and he said nothing. The snow falling was beautiful today."
A Changed Myspace status:
"I have gone to an interview."
A response to floralysis:
"There have been so many changes that have been hard to adapt to, but things are generally peaceful where I am away from the cities and riots. We have been having some unusual weather sometimes, though. Very heavy rains that go on and on. How have you found the weather? Anything odd? Sorry to ask so many questions, but where I am, it's so rare that we have access to an outbound connection and have little information about the rest of the world." Floralysis
"It is snowing in Pripyat now. You must be living in one of the warm areas, no? All the excess ocean water creates lots of precipitation I hear." Haiku
"I have decided that it might be safer to communicate this way, as I am wary of the digital eyes and this may be a safer way. Though, who knows what is actually safe anymore. I read your observations and I am worried for you. Are you ok? Is Autumn ok? The conspirators he has been meeting with, are they dangerous? One of them has been communicating with us as well, but we are suspicious of him. This sounds like a bad situation for you to be in. There are several of us who are concerned for you, as I'm sure you know by now. We trust you and you can trust us. We're on your side. Please be careful and stay safe." Floralysis
"Thank you greatly for your concern. You are right that we are always under the digital eyes, but they are a good thing. They keep us safe but I fear they are failing. Perhaps because of Pripyat being so far away from the US Government and all?
I am afraid I cannot trust my dear Autumn anymore. The conspirators may be dangerous but they are quite intriguing to me ... ah, I can't say more. You are right to be suspicious. We can't trust anyone but the US Government. I am safe as of now and I wish for the safety of all of you as well." Haiku
"I remember when we could not trust the government, but I do trust them now. Without them, there may be no America left. I'm so sorry to hear about Autumn. Does he know you don't trust him? Is his project from the Government? I understand if you can't tell us about that. I'd fear that horribly, though, looking back on the free times, there are so many thing I get suspicious of now. We know you cannot share everything with us, so forgive the questions, but we are as intrigued by the conspirators as you are. But, maybe you can tell me this: I have heard that the dark mornings are a weather phenomenon... but what are they like? Is it simply darker for a longer time, or is it perhaps a dense cloud cover, or something else? We don't have dark mornings here and are verious curious about this."
"Having been instrumental in creating this new US Government system I have to say I do not miss the "free times" as they were never free. Now we are truly free, and we are all equal, the defenseless creatures among us. The digital eyes keep us free. Those of you fortunate enough to be in the lower 48 should have no reason to worry. I am hoping a governor will be sent to Pripyat soon.
I have asked Autumn to explain to me the dark mornings but he assures me I would not understand them. Dark mornings follow nights that are absent of noctilucent clouds, and the darkness lingers until around 10:00" Haiku
A Response to Deannab63:
"Autumn...Is he going to make it? The Death of Seasons does not bode well..."
"I believe I have always known that Autumn would not last." Haiku
A Response to ShadesOfBlack:
"Hello, Haiku. I hear that you're having a lot of snowfall in Ukraine. I'm in Minnesota - there's a lot here too! Hopefully it isn't as cold where you are though. I'm not from Minnesota so the below zero weather is hard to adapt to. Sometimes I wish I could leave. Do you ever feel like that in Pripyat?" ShadesOfBlack
"Wow, is Minnesota inhabitable by humans once again? I need to keep up with continental news more often I suppose. It is quite cold and always snowing in Pripyat but oddly when I venture to the gates of the city I find that the Ukrainian territory is much warmer with no snow - perhaps the radiation warms it? I have been quite happy in Pripyat actually. It feels very much like home to me and sometimes I almost feel like my parents are here with me even though I know they likely perished. I would never want to leave but I fear certain people are attempting to destroy the happiness I've found here." Haiku
"My family thought it would be best if I left the east coast, away from urbia and the violence. Minnesota is alright. You can still see the traces of a great city in the ruins. Hopefully the restoration projects will bring it back to its former glory. That is very odd that the snow is only falling in a specific place. I'm sure it's not the radiation though, being that Pripyat was greatly affected by the Chernobyl disaster as well and has very high levels of radiation. Maybe there is something happening that you do not know of? There is cloud seeding, you know. Have you heard of it? It's a way of scientifically altering weather patterns. The Russians used it in 1986 to keep radioactive rains from falling on Moscow. Instead, they fell on areas in Belarus and Ukraine, making the radiations that much higher."
"Ah, understandable. I feel the snow may be due to radiation differences as the US cleaned all the radiation from Pripyat but not from Ukrainian territory. Some of the people I've met at the gates have told me the US Government left all the waste in Ukrainian territory but I would not believe that. I hope some day the US can buy all of Ukraine and give these poor people a better life. I also hope things go quickly with the restoration of your own fair state. It was hit hard during the Apocalypse I know.
I am afraid I cannot discuss with you on the subject of cloud seeding. My husband warned me to stay quiet about such matters. I can't make this worse." Haiku
"I wasn't aware that the US had only cleaned Pripyat. That seems a bit unfair. Hopefully they will clean the entire territory one day.
Your husband is probably right. You don't know who you can trust. I understand. How is he by the way? You've sounded concerned for him in your blog entries."
"I believe I cannot trust Autumn, but then I also believe he cannot trust me." Haiku
Possibly some info on "the crash" found by ShadesOfBlack:
Posted by TheVitalRed at 07:57 0 comments
Saturday, 12 December 2009
DEC 12
On December 12th, we get two new tweets:
"I saw her today. She is the girl from the picture I kept, but am I supposed to know her?"
"It appears we will have a meeting tomorrow. I suggest we move the location to avoid suspicion."
A new blog post on the Myspace:
"A chance encounter
I saw him on the street today. He seemed not to remember me, or perhaps he was pretending. Autumn did not notice, or pretended not to notice. Sometimes I long for the days when digital eyes did not always record us, but what a silly thought that is!
Forecasts call for another dark morning and I suspect there will be a meeting. I have considered bringing this to the authorities but they would not likely believe anyone could escape their monitoring long enough to do harm. Now that I know that he is the mysterious man, I have no doubt these three could get away with anything."
A changed myspace picture to the mirror image of the barcode on the twitter:
A response to ShadesOfBlack's question :
"So you like German Expressionist films? I love Metropolis. It's a great movie. I still haven't seen The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, but it's on my list." ShadesOfBlack
"Yes, it's amazing they survived the Apocalypse, isn't it? So much of our culture was lost during those dying days." Haiku
"We don't seem to learn too much from history, huh? Culture's definitely on a steady decline." ShadesOfBlack
A response to GlassSpiderWebs:
"Thankfully I was not the only one to notice that myspace had the wrong year! Isn't it strange, do you think that someone tampered with it?"
"Yes, I know! And today I saw a blog from Heidi Montag - don't they know she perished in 2012?" Haiku
"That is so strange! There has to be some sort of glitch because Heidi Montag passed a while ago, she can not be writing a blog. Maybe someone is pretending to be her? It is strange because I have found blogs from other of personal friends who have perished as well. It is strange.
I recently located a copy of Crash Love by AFI, do you have that one? It was quite good. I don't know how the version survived the apocalypse, but I am glad it did. It came out in 2009, which is weird because that is the year myspace says it is." GlassSpiderWebs
"Yes, I managed to save my entire AFI collection. I hope they will record a new album soon, since they found Adam floating around in a boat made of sand after all these years. It was quite a miracle but I'm sure you know that." Haiku
"I agree. They always wait so long between albums, but I hope they do record one soon. Have you heard anything about it? I have been so busy recently that I have not been able to check.
I only managed to save half of my collection, I have been able to get most of it back though.
That was a miracle. I am so glad they found Adam, what an incredible story, but many weird things happened after the apocalypse I guess a boat out of sand isn't too far out there. I am just amazed that they found him after all, it gives me hope that they may find others.
How has your life been since the apocalypse?" GlassSpiderWebs
"You are not familiar with my novels then? Well, my life since the Apocalypse has been much better than before, as I wrote such an influential work. The US laws against murdering animals came about because of me, you know. You must keep up with current events, my dear." Haiku
"Sadly I have not read your novels. I have been moving so much that I hardly have time to myself. I spent a lot of my time after the apocalypse helping repair, and there are still many places in disarray. I keep meaning on picking up one of your novels but it is hard to find free time, even now. I am glad your life is better now, I hope to find some free time within the next few months though. Our last efforts should be finished here.
I did hear they made it illegal to murder living creatures, it is wonderful that they stopped the murders. It is difficult for me to catch all the current events though because I don't often stay in the same place for too long.
Is there anything else I have missed? I feel so out of the loop, and now that I have the internet back I don't know where to start.
I ran into someone from Berkeley the other day, they said you are in Pripyat which is now US territory. Its remarkable how they made us take geography classes before the apocalypse and now everything has changed." GlassSpiderWebs
A response to deannab63:
"What are the Dark Mornings?" dennab63
"Have you not heard of dark mornings back in the lower 48? It's a weather phenomenon we have experienced in Pripyat since the cleaning." Haiku
"Have you been able to find any traces of anyone in your family? I know you've been searching for them..." dennab63
"Thank you, dear, for asking, but sadly I haven't found a single one so far. Of course I still have my adopted family and I'm thankful they all survived to live on the other side of the Apocalypse with me." Haiku
"Pardon me, but could you refresh my memory on the lower 48 and the cleaning? I have forgotten so much, my amnesia has been plaguing me as of late." dennab63
"Ah, did you sustain injuries in the events of years ago? Lower 48, referring to the continental US of course, not outlying states such as Pripyat, where I reside." Haiku
A response to floralysis:
"Pripyat, hmm? I remember watching a documentary that mentioned Pripyat years ago... something about life on Earth if people suddenly vanished. Ironic, isn't it? So you lived in California - in Ukiah I assume from your info? I had family not too far from there, but they are long gone now. I wonder how the West coast is faring these days." floralysis
"My adopted family in Ukiah is doing quite well. I hear many Americans are having a hard time with our new laws but I personally think they are a change for the better. My adopted brother was assigned to be a police volunteer and I can't tell you how many citizens have been arrested for slaughter - terrible crime, if you ask me." Haiku
Yet another respponse to cheshire66x28:
"what am i supposed to ask you..."
"Who told you? Never trust the conspiracy. Who's side are you on?"
"i am on your side...."
"Good. I think I can trust you all."
Posted by TheVitalRed at 22:17 0 comments
Friday, 11 December 2009
DEC 11
floralysis figured out that the building from the background of the twitter is The Palace of Culture: Energetik that is in an old abandoned city in Pripyat, Ukrain.
floralysis also linked the sarcophagus talked about in the Myspace blog with Energetik. A sarcophagus is a nuclear reactor cover which links up to Autumn being a climate scientist.
In the About Me section of the Myspace profile it says:
"I was born in Pripyat, Ukraine on April 26, 1986 at 1:23 a.m. I came into the world just as it seemed to be ending. I would never meet my parents and somehow I ended up in a California town, for which I was cleverly named. I became a novelist and married Autumn Miller, a renowned climatologist. I thought I would never see my hometown but after the United States acquired and cleaned the exclusion zone in 2012, my husband was asked to move there and participate on a research team. We moved here on my 30th birthday. It has been wonderful and it doesn't feel like a disaster site at all. There are a select few people residing here, from countries all over the world, but we are all very close and it feels just like home. However, suspicious activity has been going on lately and I've decided to investigate and keep track of all I witness here. I will share my observations with you, my trusted friends."
The new headline of the profile says "Something seems to be wrong with MySpace. It says it's still 2009!" so we seem to be dealing with a character from the future.
A new tweet says "I told Autumn he needs to take his wife and leave town before the crash. He said she has no desire to leave. I'm afraid it may be too late."
Yet another tweet says "Science and saviors, but who could stop this rain?" Boy, we sure are getting a lot of clues today.
Posted by TheVitalRed at 10:37 0 comments
DEC 11
The new Myspace page has changed the name to H. Reivers. And has a new blog entry:
"I saw them today, the three of them. They've been meeting near the old sarcophagus in the dark morning. The mysterious man and Veronica were there. I am most disappointed to say that my dear Autumn is meeting with them as well. I don't know what they want with a climate scientist but the three of them are up to no good. I have to stop this. You will keep this quiet, won't you my friends?"
Also the barcode is not a phone number because I called it myself and no one owns the number and you get the little error message lady.
The full background image of the twitter has been posted in a link to your right.
Posted by TheVitalRed at 06:51 0 comments
DEC 11
On December 11th a new tweet is made: "Ви розмовляєте українською?" which has been google translated to "do you speak Ukrainian?"
There are suspicions that the bar code number is a telephone number (910-222-2022) but then what are the 7 and 3 for? The 7 and 3 cannot be seen in the thumbnail, you have to click on the image on the account's page. And you have to have a twitter account to do this. sigh.

Posted by TheVitalRed at 04:34 0 comments
Thursday, 10 December 2009
On December 9th another... tweet? is made saying, "Ask her. Her last name is Reivers. Ask her twelve days from now."
The Dark Morning Conspiracy myspace account is accepting friends and has a countdown as her headline.
Posted by TheVitalRed at 11:44 0 comments
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
On Tuesday December 8th, a new twitter account is discovered by thirteensteps:
The first... tweet (I think that's what it's called) says: "They meet on dark mornings, away from the digital eyes."
This account is following the official A.F.I. account. It seems like the fake mystery is coming back.
A.F.I. is NOT following this account.
Posted by TheVitalRed at 10:37 0 comments
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
OCT 20
On October 20 it was revealed that Hunter confirmed "Dark Morning Conspirators" to be a Crash Love B-Side that was not finished. Read about it here:
Posted by TheVitalRed at 05:35 0 comments
Sunday, 18 October 2009
OCT 17
An e-mail was sent:
I am a personal friend of the originators of the hoax.
They are personal longtime friends of mine.
However entertaining it was to watch, I do feel bad that several of you
went out of your way to solve the mystery.
I wish to remain anonymous at all costs, for more information,
feel free to contact my cell at any time. I will reveal their identities.
Cell: 724-984-1492 724-984-1492
I congratulate you on your completion of the mystery, and even
the originators are impressed."
Bring The Gun texted this number: "in response to my question if the people who were doing it were DF members....
"no they arent. we all knew the best way for this to spread was via the DF. u dont understand how well we researched this beforehand"
"there is no intention of continuing now that its been found to be a hoax. i do however believe it would have been continued via on the spot ideas""
Posted by TheVitalRed at 10:30 0 comments
Thursday, 15 October 2009
On October 15th Gavin posts "Nothing in this thread has been done at the behest of the band, the DF, band management, or the record label."
here's a video of the meeting from Shasa:
So it's fake, but is it over?
Posted by TheVitalRed at 18:05 0 comments
OCT 15
On October 15th an account with the username of "veronica" posted a thread in the AFI Everything forum of the official message board saying "Dear Conspirators Mark your calenders, October 31st, 2009. That's all I can tell you for now." The account was quickly called out for being a troll and later on the account was banned.
About a half hour after the post was made, an infraction for tony666 was given for multiple accounts. tony666 denies making the "veronica" account.
Posted by TheVitalRed at 16:13 0 comments
OCT 14 Late Night
Read Mark's account of what happened here:
He verifies what others said about meeting "Veronica" and Charles but adds some pictures:


Top: The code that Charles gave sitting on Mark's DF card
Bottom: Mark's printed out ID card
Posted by TheVitalRed at 04:32 0 comments
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
OCT 14
On October 14th (day of the starbucks meeting) a few of us went to meet veronica. so far we have this information from JillyQ: "Met Veronica she gave us instructions to meet Charles".
From Shasa: "We got codes. In the apple store now trying to submit them."
"we went to starbucks, veronica was there. She told us to go to macys where charles was buying a tie. we went to macys and charles was there. he gave us codes and when we plugged them in (yes, in the apple store) we were given an ID card to print out. some of us have printed it and now we're trying to figure out what's next. I'm taking mine to the concert. we also bugged charles but he literally will not say anything."
"Veronica" puts a new status on facebook that says "Good work. =] See you at the show. Have your ID."
A more detailed account from Chilling Silence:
"My girlfriend and I got there about 3:30, no one was around. I called Sasha (Shasa) and she said she was walking over soon with some people. I actually think I texted her but whatever. She gets there. A couple more girls get there. We all go in (Starbucks). Nothing doing. A couple more people got there. Sasha starts wandering around the Starbucks, which has 2 rooms. She comes back from the second room and says "hey, I found something"
So we followed her in and there was a girl who looked like any old college girl sitting at a table with a placard on it that read "Reserved for Veronica Sawyer". I'm actually not positive the last name was on it but that's really neither here nor there. She had a headband on. She told us "Charles is at the mall at Macy's buying a tie." And then said that's all she was allowed to tell us.
So we went to the mall, to Macy's, to the tie section and saw no one. We started branching out and wandering around and someone (I'm really sorry guys but I don't remember anyone's name other than Mark and Sasha ) came back saying they saw a guy standing there with a pink headband and a pink tie on just outside of Macy's in the mall. So we approached him and he handed us each a tiny little rectangle of paper with the Crash heart and a code on it. I honestly don't remember what he said, just that each code is different and can only be used once, and that "this is only the beginning".
When you enter your code it prompts you to enter your name, email address, and a picture of you wearing the headband. As soon as you do that a file pops up of an "ID card" that has your picture on the left and the sing the sorrow logo (circle with falling leaves) on the right. It has your name and email on it, as well as "Dark Morning Conspirator #xxx" number is 003."
Posted by TheVitalRed at 13:16 0 comments
OCT 14 Early Morning
On October 14th "Veronica Sawyer" posts this picture on her facebook account confirming the meeting place.

Posted by TheVitalRed at 05:12 0 comments
OCT 13
On October 13th a copyright note appears on the bottom of
Later that day the copyright sign becomes a clickable link that goes to where there is a code box. the code is most likely to come from the meeting at starbucks. but feel free to try everything you can think of.
Posted by TheVitalRed at 05:07 0 comments
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
OCT 12
On October 12th gulez gives us this conversation between herself and smith after he gives her an autograph:
smith: here ya go girl. nice headband it matches your eyes.
me: bullshit it doesn't you know why i'm wearing it.
smith: *grins widely*
me: so who is charles atlas?
smith: *blank stare* i don't know.
me: bullshit.
smith: *grins snickers wide eyes starts to lose his straight faced expression*
me: don't think i don't know, i do.
smith: *grins and runs away*
her theory is that smith is charles atlas.
Posted by TheVitalRed at 15:24 0 comments
Saturday, 10 October 2009
OCT 10
On October 10th "Veronica" and Charles sign back onto AIM at almost exactly the same time leading us to believe more firmly that the two accounts are controlled by one person.
Posted by TheVitalRed at 21:33 0 comments
On October 9th both "Veronica" and Charles signed off AIM and have not been back on.
Posted by TheVitalRed at 15:11 0 comments
On October 6th Charlotte from the Five Flowers mystery was randomly called again and her voicemail was found to be up again after a period of the number being disconnected. Some think that this makes the Dark Morning Conspirators (DMC) more legitimate while others believe that DMC is overlapping with and official mystery.
Charlotte's number: 1-337-935-0150
Read about the Five Flowers mystery here:
Posted by TheVitalRed at 15:07 0 comments
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
On October 4th it was figured out that the 1 and 16 from refers to the track time 1:16 which on the Pink Floyd song "Cold As A Razorblade" is the time when these lyrics are sung: "you have grown colder".
From this, the site was found. This site is a snapshot of an IM conversation between Charles Atlas and "Veronica Sawyer" which is how "Veronica's" screen name was found. In this conversation Charles asks "Veronica" "are you frightened?" the next line shows that "Veronica" was typing.
catlas1221: hey
catlas1221: are you there, veronica?
catlas1221: hello?
catlas1221: are you frightened?
veronicasawyerx3 is typing a message...
When "Veronica" was IMed "are you frightened", she replies with the link
This is another IM conversation where "Veronica" informs Charles that she will be meeting new "Conspirators" at a coffee shop next to City Burger before the AFI show on the 14th of October in Rhode Island. "Veronica" says that at 4pm she will meet the "Conspirators" who will be wearing pink headbands.
veronicasawyerx3: the pink headband brigade is unstoppable! lmao
catlas1221: haha, breaking those things out again?
veronicasawyerx3: you know it.
veronicasawyerx3: =P
catlas1221: do you guys really have to wear those to EVERY show?
veronicasawyerx3: yes. it's what sets the Conspirators apart from those who don't know.
catlas1221: alright, lol, if you say so.
veronicasawyerx3: anyway, i'm meetin the new ones at the coffee place this time -- if we have any new ones, that is.
veronicasawyerx3: frappuccino before the show as usual?
catlas1221: sounds great =)
catlas1221: where?
veronicasawyerx3: our favorite.
catlas1221: oh, right, lol. next to City Burger?
veronicasawyerx3: yepp.
veronicasawyerx3: around 4. meet up after that?
catlas1221: of course
veronicasawyerx3: see you on the 14th. can't wait! =)
From the City Burger and frappuccino references, we deduced that the coffee shop is a specific Starbucks.
Board members immediately started to see who would go to Starbucks the day of the Rhode Island show to meet "Veronica". Some even planned to wear pink headbands to all shows in every area.
Posted by TheVitalRed at 09:23 0 comments
On October 3rd another call was made to Mike Marton who said some kids he knew wanted to set up a website and Mike let the kids use his information to create the site...
Posted by TheVitalRed at 09:16 0 comments
When this screen name was instant messaged, (on AIM) Charles replied "stove burns on my hands.." This was found to be lyrics from a Crystal Castles song. When Charles was IMed "Crystal Castles - Dating Engagement" he replied with a link to
This link takes you to a picture of a bunch of very difficult to read numbers. The name of the picture is "abesttcerinoiw" which says "better now" if you take "ascii" out of it.
This photo was edited so the numbers are clearer. (see sidebar link abesttcerinoiw Edited)


When the numbers are translated using ASCII, the translation gives a link which doesn't go anywhere.
"Cold As A Razorblade" was a song by Pink Floyd. When Charles was IMed "Pink Floyd - Cold As A Razorblade", he replied "you're on the right track, but the wrong time. don't you remember when everything was hunky dory?"
Posted by TheVitalRed at 09:14 0 comments
On October 1st Mike Marton's number was called. A woman answered who had no idea what AFI is and was confused as to why she was getting calls at all hours of the night telling her to beware the reaper. (These calls were from the Despair Faction and board members of the official message board trying to get answers.) She was apologized to as she was freaked out about the calls.
"Veronica Sawyer's" facebook shows her e-mail to be
Posted by TheVitalRed at 09:11 0 comments
On September 30th was entered into (see sidebar) where we got the information of the creator of the site: Mike Marton 184 Bennington Rd. Pensylvania. Phone number: 724.439.5807.
"Veronica Sawyer" updates her work information on facebook to "Route 37 Mechanics".
Charles Atlas shows up on facebook as "Veronica's" friend. (see sidebar)
His buddy info showed this link: which we haven't found significant. Do not download it; while there is no virus it is a waste of time and space on your computer.
TheDarkAssailant from the message boards informs us of this exchange with AFI:
"Me: So what/who are the "Dark Morning Conspirators"?
Adam: You know, I don't know. (looks to Jade)
Jade: (kinda' playfully) Ask Davey. But he's got different secrets to everything so don't believe his lies.
Me: So Davey, what IS "Dark Morning Conspirators"?
Davey: It's a song. But it's not on the album.
Me: Really? Will we ever get to hear it?
Davey: I don't know. Probably. I mean, all our stuff usually gets out, right?"
This leads us to believe that this mystery is fan-made. But we shall solve it anyway!!!
Posted by TheVitalRed at 09:06 0 comments
From this account's status, we found which shows a picture of davey with mirror language written on it. The picture was edited (see sidebar First Clue edited) and from this we got the e-mail address


Many people e-mailed this account. None got a reply.
Posted by TheVitalRed at 09:03 0 comments